
gallery talk

After a special request, Kalina Winska and I are delighted to announce we'll be giving an informal artist talk in the gallery on Friday at noon. Please join us as we share a bit about the processes and concepts behind the work as well as how we set up successful parameters for collaboration.

Friday, October 28th
"the gallery"
Rietz Union 2nd floor

Parking is admittedly tricky that time of day, but if you aren't a student with a parking pass, there are metered spots in the garage next to the Rietz.

1 comment:

Marjojo said...

I wished I could have beamed myself to Florida, to see the show and hear you talk about your work. How wonderful that you found such affinities with another artist and were able to collaborate. And how wonderful to exhibit near you, where you're in charge of everything and work doesn't get crushed in transport.


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