
Simple Beauties

Despite the wistful sentiment I expressed, yesterday was a good day. I took it easy, simple things: to sleep late, to bike, to make, to eat, to list things that should be done later and it was good.
Rode my bike looking up for lines and noted it won't be much longer before those bare limbs and gray skies I love will be hard to find, I have perhaps a week. The red maples are showing their seeds, redbuds, azaleas, and Japanese magnolias (my early spring favorite) are all in full force of fuschia, pink and lavender. Even the winged elms are showing off what they attempt to pass off as blooms, awkward yellow brown specks held gaily every three or four inches down its spindly limb.
I made my way to the ceramic studio on my bike, locked it up, spied this, and took it.

For the first time in seven years (and even then it was for only a short while) I threw on the wheel. Five minutes into it and calm, mesmerized, home. Intentionally, I pushed the first two hunks of clay beyond their limits and mine, they turn muddy with indecision and flop. Trying to grasping what my body remembers and my memory reveals: arms create a triangle, supple but firm, center by pushing toward the middle and up then back down. Friction and twisting calls for water, puddles call for a sponge. For a muddy endeavor I make surprisingly little mess. And from the session I pull a tall cylinderical cup, and a tiny eggshell vase. Prodded a bit at the cup to make it more interesting and easier to grasp. Went home on a cloud.

The sky was covered in clouds this morning, and I heard the announcing honks of a hundred sandhill cranes flying over in tight formation, the wind rose a bit with their presence and then they were gone, the sky followed blue.

I spent a few hours tracking down Japanese Magnolias for you.

Brought a couple blooms home and now their heady scent permeates this side of the house. Termite wings sparkle in the air and a ladybug found its way where I ate dinner tonight. Spring is here and I love it too.

Objects inspiring me for ceramics:
Ruth Gurvich (I saw these on poppytalk in October and it's been haunting me ever since)
Paula's tea set
Go bowls
Yael Mer chairs (via gris)
Jim Partridge scorched bowls
Trove stick ball fret
a tiny lovely
a little line made by a teapot on Mien's plate
(plus her wind carriers and strange gourd)
momo suzuki bowl (via hoping for happy accidents)
these bowls by natalie derouet
kirpputoria rough hewn wooden cup (via Montmartre's Sketchbook)
chestnuts and brazil nuts
this giant knit pouf (made by Christien Meindertsma)


Andrea Tachezy said...

Erin, magnolias are so, so wonderful! Every year I am looking forward, when they will start blossom.

mansuetude said...

hello--found you somehow through Eddy and Edwing... and I must be following Andrea's voice... : _)

love your images, they are soft, wonderful shadows...the real thing.

Erin Curry said...

thank you both. they are just now tapering off their flowering, glad I caught them.


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